Monday, July 23, 2018

Pressed beef

 Take ten pounds of brisket or ribs of beef, a pound of common salt, a wineglass of vinegar, two ounces of salt- petre, half a pound of moist sugar, a dozen bay leaves, half an ounce of cloves, the same of mace, and of pepper corns, three cloves of garlic pound the saltpetre and mix with the salt. Warm this mixture, then rub well into the beef (this is best done in a deep, large dish). Turn every day for a fortnight, then wash off the spice, put into a pot and just cover with water. Place slices of mixed vegetables into the pot with it, and a few bay leaves. Let it simmer four hours, then bone it and press it in a Yorkshire tin with a baking sheet over the top. When quite cold, trim it and glaze it. Decorate with aspic jelly and parsley.

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